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1.17A Code of Ethics: Professional Relationships


1.  All members of the academic community have the right to freedom of speech.  With any right there is a corresponding responsibility.  As a way to ensure that our community maintains its values, members of the academic community are expected to behave responsibly and to treat colleagues fairly, with respect, civility, and decency.  In so doing, they should refrain from making rash statements in criticism of coworkers, from ascribing unworthy motives to them, and from spreading malicious gossip.  Faculty and staff should refrain at all times from making derogatory comments about their colleagues when students are present.

2.  All institutional relations between university employees should be professional in nature.  No one should encourage or accept hearsay comments regarding faculty, staff or administrators.  Any individual making statements concerning the quality of other people's work, their moral or professional character, or any other attribute should be willing to personally support his/her statements and to supply evidence of their accuracy.

3.  Membership in the academic community imposes on members an obligation to acknowledge others' right to express differing opinions, and to foster and defend intellectual honesty, as well as freedom of inquiry, instruction, and expression.  The expression of dissent and the attempt to produce change, however, may not interfere with the academic freedom of others.

4.  University employees should respect their obligations to their departments/units and their colleagues.  If they decide to terminate their employment, they should give sufficient notice to their departments/units to minimize the adverse impact on their colleagues and students.

Related Policies

1.17 Code Of Ethics

Policy Owner:  Academic Senate

Contact:  Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost (309-438-7018) and/or Office of Equal Opportunity and Access (309-438-3383)

Created:  4/2013

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