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7.1.11 University Entertainment


The costs of official University Events and Presidential Entertainment, excluding alcoholic beverages but including catering services, shall be met from appropriated monies. Other official university entertainment costs shall be borne from appropriated funds identified and purposefully budgeted as such.


Appropriated funds may be utilized for entertainment that is directly related to meeting the operational requirements of a unit or is an integral part of internal or external public relations. University funds may not be used for events or activities that are primarily social in nature or for the purchase of gifts.

  1. With appropriate prior approvals, the central University Events Account may be used for:
    1. Official university functions as designated by the President.
    2. Entertainment for members of the Board of Trustees, Board of Higher Education, or other similar entities.
    3. Entertainment and meals for University guests and the host(s), if not related to recruitment.
    4. Meetings or other events which involve non-ISU participantsAdvance approval by the Vice President for University Advancement, or the designated fiscal agent, is required for expenditures from the central University Events Account.
  2. All expenditures for entertainment, whether funded from the central account or departmental accounts, require the advance approval of the Dean or Provost in academic areas or the Vice President (or designee) in non-academic areas.
  3. With appropriate prior approvals, departmental accounts may be used for receptions, retreats, addresses, meetings, or similar events that involve primarily university personnel, for purposes of public relations or staff development and training.
  4. Expenditures for coffee, tea, and related supplies used in departments are not considered entertainment, and may be made with only fiscal agent approval.
  5. Other than when in travel status, meals for university personnel are not reimbursable unless in relation to the above policies or recruitment activities.
  6. University funds may be used to purchase flowers for memorial services or extended illnesses of an employee or an employee’s spouse, child, or parent.
  7. Appropriated funds may not be used for alcoholic beverages.

Policy Owner: Vice President for University Advancement

Contact: Vice President for University Advancement (309-438-7681)

Revised on: 06/2004

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