A Departmental Credit Card/Procurement Card card may be used to charge University expenditures. All Purchasing policies must be followed when using a Departmental credit card/Procurement Card, and an original receipt for the merchandise or services must be obtained.
The Department Credit Card/Procurement Card (P-card) program has been designed and implemented to allow for direct small dollar purchases. The card should be used in order to eliminate the need for small dollar purchase orders and direct reimbursements. All credit card purchases must comply with University purchasing policies, as well as with all applicable State and Federal statutes. All transactions made using the card must benefit and support the University’s mission of education, research, and public service.
An overview of the program, allowable dollar levels, criteria for departmental participation and instructions can be found on the following website:
All credit card agreements for the purchase of goods or services must be processed through the Purchasing department and approved by the Comptroller. This will include any gas charge cards, store credit cards, or other cards that provide goods and services on credit.
To receive reimbursement when a personal credit card has been used to charge for university expenditures, the original itemized invoice or original itemized receipt must be attached to an invoice voucher and sent through the normal processes in order for the employee to be reimbursed. Reimbursement for travel charges require that a travel voucher be filed (see policy number 7.3.12 Travel Vouchers and Reimbursement).
Reimbursement cannot be made from the credit card statement. Taxes cannot be reimbursed except for taxes incurred from restaurant and lodging expenditures while in travel status. The reimbursement must be made to the employee and not to the credit card company. In addition, Illinois State University cannot reimburse an individual prior to travel.
Note: The use of a personal credit card for small items and non-travel items is strongly discouraged. A credit card cannot be used to circumvent purchasing policies.
Policy Owner: Vice President for Finance and Planning
Contact: Comptroller's Office (309-438-2143)
Revised on: 06/2011