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7.1.47 Appropriated Funds


Appropriated funds are authorized and granted to Illinois State University by the State Legislature and are approved by the Governor. The appropriation allows the University to incur obligations and make expenditures of funds for a specific purpose, within a specified time period, and for a maximum dollar amount.

For Illinois State University:

  • The specific purpose is the line item (contractual, commodities, etc.).
  • The specified time period is the fiscal year (which runs from July 1st through June 30th).
  • And the maximum dollar amount is the amount of appropriation for each line item.

Appropriated fund categories

Operating funds

Operating budgets are those used for University operations and include:

General Revenue (10100)
Education Assistance (10200)
Income Fund (10400)

Departmental operating budgets all have the fund designation of 10100.

Capital appropriations

Capital appropriations are separate from operating appropriations and are generally used for:

Major remodeling or planning
Site work
Equipment for new buildings funded by General Revenue accounts

These projects are overseen by the Capital Development Board and have the designation of fund 10300.

Policy Owner: Vice President for Finance and Planning

Contact: Comptroller's Office (309-438-5667)

Revised on: 04/2004

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