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7.1.61 Reissued Checks


A replacement check can be issued if the original check was lost, stolen, destroyed, stale dated, etc. The reissued check will not appear on the departmental record because the account was charged at the time the original check was issued.

If the warrant (check) was written by the State Comptroller in Springfield, the State Comptroller will need to reissue the warrant. Contact the Business Office at 438-2249 for assistance.


The following instructions should be followed to request a check to be reissued (see the Request for Reissuance of Check form):

  1. After receiving a request from a vendor or payee, contact the Comptroller's Office either by phone or memo.
  2. The Comptroller's Office will verify with the bank that the check is still outstanding.
  3. If the check has cleared our bank, a copy of the cancelled check will be forwarded to the department.
  4. If the check is still outstanding, a stop payment will be issued and a new check will be issued. The new check will be sent to the department. This process takes approximately two to three days.

Please see the Outstanding Checks policy, the Stop Payments policy, and the Void Checks policy .

Policy Owner: Vice President for Finance and Planning

Contact: Comptroller's Office (309-438-5698)

Revised on: 04/2004

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