The University accepts Credit Cards for payment of goods and services under controlled conditions to protect against the exposure and possible theft of account and personal cardholder information that has been provided to Illinois State University; and to comply with Payment Card Industry (PCI) requirements which became effective June 30, 2005. The University must adhere to these standards to limit its liability and continue to process payments using payment cards.
This policy applies to all Illinois State University departments and affiliated units, employees, contractors, consultants, temporaries, and other workers. This policy is applicable to any unit that processes, transmits, or handles cardholder information in a physical or electronic format. All computers and electronic devices at Illinois State University involved in processing payment card data are governed by the PCI Data Security Standard.
This includes servers which store payment card numbers, workstations which are used to enter payment card information into a central system (for example, ordering tickets over the phone), and any computers or credit/debit card swipe devices through which the payment card information is transmitted
All transactions that involve the transfer of credit card information must be performed on systems approved by the Comptroller’s Office and will include a compliance and security review. Any specialized servers that have been approved for this activity must be housed behind a University Data Center firewall, approved by the Comptroller, and must be administered in accordance with the requirements of all Illinois State University and PCI policies.
Departments involved with the acceptance of and processing of credit card for payment of goods and services must design adequate processes to ensure the following are maintained:
All credit card and debit card processing contracts and renewals, including web based procurement, must be initiated and approved through the Comptroller’s Office. Because the sale of goods and services to entities outside the university community may raise special considerations (e.g. unrelated business tax, accounting, legal, etc) business plans concerning credit sales should also be reviewed by the Comptroller’s Office. Forms for initiating services are on the comptroller’s Web page.
Illinois State University’s preferred credit system is Touchnet, a web based solution to credit card sales. After review by the Comptroller’s Office, a specialized Merchant Number will be established and Touchnet will provide the secure payment mechanism. The department will work with Institutional Web Support and Administrative Information Systems for creating their web site and integrating the payment mechanism to the Touchnet system.
Technical instruction and documentation are available on the Comptroller’s web site. Once the payment program is properly configured to pass the required parameters to the Touchnet system, secure payment will be executed, and approval codes and other related elements will be returned to the originating web site. In addition, the accounting of the journal entry will be made automatically.
Departments who need to accept credit/debit cards through a physical terminal or a Data Capture machine for either swipe or key transactions need to contact the Comptroller’s Office to execute the required paper work, obtain a Merchant Number, receive training, and be given direction as to the accounting of those transactions on the books of the University. Data Capture machines must be configured according to PCI requirements to meet security standards and certified by university policy.
Under no circumstances will it be permissible to obtain credit card information, or transmit credit card information by e-mail.
The Comptroller’s Office has established the E-commerce Committee to review all proposed business plans involving credit card sales over the internet. The committee will include, but is not limited to, representatives from the Comptroller’s Office, Administrative Information Systems, Institutional Web Support and Telecommunications and Networking.
Departments not complying with this policy may lose the privilege to serve as a credit card merchant. Additionally, fines may be imposed by the affected credit card company, beginning at $50,000 for the first violation.
Persons in violation of this policy are subject to the full range of sanctions, including the loss of computer or network access privileges, disciplinary action, suspension, termination of employment and legal action. Some violations may constitute criminal offenses under local, state, and federal laws. The University will carry out its responsibility to report such violations to the appropriate authorities.
A. PCI: The PCI Standard is the result of collaboration between the four major credit card brands to develop a single approach to safeguarding sensitive data. The PCI standard defines a series of best practices for handling, transmitting and storing sensitive data.
B. Cardholder data: Cardholder data is any personally identifiable data associated with a cardholder. This could be an account number, expiration date, name, address, social security number, or Card Validation Code (e.g., three-digit or four-digit value printed on the front or back of a payment card (e.g.’ CVV2 and CVC2 data)).
C. Merchant: any person or department accepting money for goods or services. Includes conference registrations, memberships, fees, etc.
D. Resources & Links
Policy Owner: Vice President for Finance and Planning
Contact: Comptroller's Office (309-438-2143)
Revised on: 07/2008