Illinois State University is committed to ensuring a safe University environment. Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is the campus office that maintains an up-to-date record of current health and safety standards and regulations. EHS will provide this information to departments upon request. EHS is responsible for maintaining certain records as required by regulatory standards, and for assisting departments and offices in obtaining, sustaining, and improving compliance with the health and safety standards, conditions, policies, rules and/or regulations.
It is the responsibility of all members of the University community (including students, staff and faculty) to abide by University health and safety standards, conditions, policies, rules and regulations. EHS staff act as subject matter experts and inspectors of the various required programs. EHS assists the campus community as necessary to attain compliance (e.g., training, enforcement of rules, guidance, working with regulatory agencies, etc.).
Concerns relating to work-related health and safety should be referred to EHS. Potential concerns include, but are not limited to: indoor air quality, hazardous materials, safety issues, radiation, public health standards, environmental health, and unforseen concerns that affect the health or safety of the campus community. EHS will investigate concerns and determine the need for corrective action or additional expertise, if necessary.
When a concern is reported, EHS will review the situation to identify the problem and determine if corrective action is necessary. EHS will then notify the proper personnel to initiate any corrective action. The person or department raising the concern shall be informed of the outcome of the review, unless the concern was reported anonymously.
Individuals who violate University health and safety standards, conditions, policies, rules and/or regulations may be subject to sanction or discipline, up to and including discharge/dismissal for faculty and staff, suspension or dismissal for students, revocation of volunteer status, and/or suspension or debarment for vendors.
Policy Owner: Environmental Health and Safety
Contact: Environmental Health and Safety (309-438-8325)
Revised on: 08/2021