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5.3.9 Safety Training


Health and safety is everyone's responsibility. By law, employers are responsible for various aspects of the health and safety of their employees. This responsibility is delegated to the departments and direct supervisors of these employees. The reason for this is because supervisors are more familiar with, and understand better, the day-to-day operations of their particular area. Also, they are in the best position to oversee and ensure the health and safety of their employees.

Assistance for Training

Although departments are responsible for providing proper training at prescribed times to their employees, the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) will assist in the following ways:

  • Provide assistance in determining what training is required for the various personnel in each department.
  • Assist the departments in determining if some training can be combined.
  • Assist the departments in finding the proper training material or training providers.
  • In some cases, the OEHS will provide training for the trainer courses so supervisors will be able to properly train their staff.
  • In specific areas or programs, the OEHS will assist departments in conducting the training.

To assist in this training, it is advised that each department appoint a health and safety training person to work with the OEHS. This is because it is easier to work with one point of contact rather than several.

Regulatory Information

The OEHS will attempt to keep up with the changing regulations and will advise departments and offices on campus of any changes. Those departments/offices or individuals needing information on health and safety regulations, laws, or rules may contact the OEHS for assistance.


Policy Owner: Office of Environmental Health and Safety

Contact: Office of Environmental Health and Safety (309-438-8325)

Revised on: 05/2001

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