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8.3.1 Mail Services - Campus Mail


Definition: Campus Mail is hard copy university business correspondence that originates and terminates on campus and requires no postage. No reimbursement will be made for Campus Mail with postage affixed. Postage Charge Slips are not required for Campus Mail. Personal mail is prohibited. Boxed items (books, files, merchandise, etc.) are not considered mail. Contact Central Receiving for transport.

The Mail Service Center does not provide service for Cardinal Court and Shelbourne Apartments.

Address Format for Campus Mail

Campus Mail should be sent in inter-office envelopes. See section 1.3. Each envelope must have a mail code and department name or residence hall name and room number. Watterson Tower mail must have the house name and room number.

Departments Residence Halls

Authorized Users

Authorized users of Campus Mail consist of University employees, students and bona fide university organizations. Off campus students may use Campus Mail to correspond to faculty, administration, and staff, provided the correspondence is university business. Non-authorized users include but are not limited to non-university organizations, non-educational material, merchants, or vendors.

Definition of bona fide organizations: Organizations that are recognized as performing important functions in the operation of the academic community, engaged in the activities of the academic community, and supported by the university.

The following are not considered "bona fide" organizations for the purposes of the PES (Private Express Statues) Suspension: Credit Unions, Faculty/Labor Unions, Employee Organizations, Local Vendors, and Outsourcers. Federal Code 39 U.S.C. 601(a)(1) through (6) and 310.2(b)(1) through (6)

Campus Address Changes

Faculty and staff members should immediately notify the Office of Human Resources (309-438-8311) when their campus address changes. All forwarding mail is the responsibility of the recipient's previous department.

Campus Envelopes

For recycling purposes and controlling costs, the use of reusable inter-office envelopes is encouraged. The use of regular envelopes for inter-office mail should only be used for confidential material. The University prefers employees use the red & white inter-office envelopes. When preparing mail, envelopes should be banded by size facing the same direction. For high volumes of campus mail, use Mail Services' trays or tubs for containers.


Announcements of events to large groups should be published in the Illinois State Report, Openline, and/or the Vidette. The use of Campus Mail to distribute bulk announcements are extremely labor intensive and costly to the function of the Mail Service Center and should be requested only under the following conditions:

  1. Distributions must be folded, labeled, sorted and banded by mail code.
  2. Residence Hall mail must be sorted and banded by residence hall, Watterson Towers by house name.
  3. Distributions with no labels will be sorted 1 per mail code.
  4. Distributions must be university related and originated by bona fide university organizations.

It is the responsibility of the sender to retrieve the mailing when it is not prepared properly.

Sealing Campus Mail

The Mail Service Center will seal large quantity (200+) confidential envelopes at special request. Do not use staples or paperclips. Use regular envelopes for confidential correspondence.

Undeliverable Campus Mail

Campus mail without a department name, mail code, or both is considered undeliverable. The Mail Service Center is authorized to open this mail to determine the origin and return to the sender for a proper address.

Policy Owner: Mail Service Center

Contact: Mail Services (309-438-8383)

Revised on: 08/2001


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