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2.1.28a Medical Amnesty and Good Samaritan Procedures

Medical Amnesty and Good Samaritan Procedures


To be eligible for deferred sanction under the Medical Amnesty or Good Samaritan Policy, the student must strictly adhere to the policy. The student(s) must request a meeting with a Student Conduct and Community Responsibilities Case Manager within five working days to be considered for possible deferred disciplinary action. The Case Manager will review whether the criteria of the policy were met.
NOTE: For cases of medical amnesty, timing considerations will begin once a student is released from the hospital.

Considerations for Protection

Student Conduct and Community Responsibilities will consider the request for protection afforded under the policy based upon the following criteria:
1. You must seek emergency assistance for yourself, someone else or have someone seek emergency assistance for you.
2. You must have played an appropriate role in obtaining emergency assistance.
3. If available, provide any names or contact information for anyone who can support the information provided.
4. You cooperated with emergency personnel to aid in the care for yourself or someone else.
5. You must accept responsibility and complete appropriate educational sanctions for any alcohol and/or other substances related violations.
Based upon the totality of the incident, the Case Manager will make the final determination as to the applicability of these provisions and reserves the right to reject a student's request for deferred sanction under this policy.

Possible Outcomes

The student(s) may be required to participate in an appropriate educational program or assessment depending upon the factors involved in the incident. If participation in any assessment or program as a result of this policy are successfully completed, the formal disciplinary sanction will be vacated and the record of participation shall be maintained separately from associated student conduct records. Failure to complete educational assignments or treatment conditions will result in the loss of these protections and the student's disciplinary sanction will be imposed.


Serious or repeated incidents will prompt a higher degree of concern and response. Additionally, the protections afforded under this policy may not apply if the student(s) seeking help for another student purchased, supplied, or otherwise made available the alcohol and/or other substances to the student needing medical assistance.

The policy does not protect repeated, blatant, or serious violations of the Code of Student Conduct (including, but not limited to repeated alcohol and/or other substances violations, physical or sexual assault, violence, hazing, harassment, or instances where multiple individuals need medical attention), nor does it preclude or prevent action by police or other legal authorities.

Student Conduct and Community Responsibilities will maintain a file of the case which may be used as a prior record should subsequent alcohol and/or other substances violations occur. These files will be maintained in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct.

Policy Owner:  Academic Senate

Contact:  Academic Senate (309)438-8735

Created:  02/2012

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