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2.1.30 Excused Student Absences Due to Communicable Disease

If a student is required to be absent from class because of a required self-isolation or quarantine based on the directive of a public health official or health provider for a reason related to a communicable disease, the absence from class will be considered excused.

Each of the student's instructors will provide reasonable modifications/extensions for completing missed exams, quizzes, and other required work. In courses that allow dropping a low grade or grades, instructor must offer the student reasonable modifications/extensions for making up work missed and may not require that missed work be counted as the low grade to be dropped.

For the absence to be excused the student must provide documentation from a public health official or a health care provider, indicating the dates of a required quarantine/self-isolation period to the Dean of Students Office.  The student is responsible for contacting instructors to arrange to complete missed classroom work as soon as possible and is ultimately responsible for material covered in class.  

International students are asked to follow Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines and protocols and any other applicable directives from government officials. 

Documentation and Process

The student will provide documentation of the self-isolation/quarantine requirement to the Dean of Students Office.  The Dean of Students Office will send a notice to each instructor noting that the absence is excused by University policy and include an anticipated period of time for the absence to continue to be excused.  This notice will not include any protected health information.  Once a student is released from this requirement, they may provide documentation to the Dean of Students Office, so that a return to class notice may be issued to each instructor.


If the student is not satisfied with the modifications/extensions by the instructor or if the instructor fails to make modifications/extensions for the student, the student should follow the Complaint Resolution Process found at: https://illinoisstate.edu/complaint-resolution/.

Policy Owner: Provost's Office and Dean of Students Office

Contact: Dean of Students Office (309)438-2008

Implemented  on: 07/2020

Revised on:  01/2021

2023-07-12T10:56:21.472760821-07:00 2023