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9.2.1 Procedures for Appropriate Use Violations

I. Introduction

The following procedures will be enacted in the event of a violation of the University's Policy on Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources and Systems.

II. Violation Reports

Violation reports, questions, or suggestions regarding the University's Policy on Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources and Systems maybe be sent to abuse@ilstu.edu.

III. Complaint Process

A complaint is initiated when a violation of the policy is reported to an Appropriate Use Coordinator.  The Appropriate Use Coordinator in conjunction with the appropriate referral office, depending upon the individual’s relationship with the university, will be responsible for investigating the complaint.  The Appropriate Use Coordinator and the appropriate referral office may request additional information necessary to fully investigate the alleged violation. 

The following positions and offices will work collaboratively to investigate and handle any reported violations of the Policy on Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources and Systems. 

Appropriate Use Coordinators

An Appropriate Use Coordinator is one of the named individuals in charge of administering the Policy on Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources and Systems.  The Appropriate Use Coordinator is responsible for investigating any complaints and taking appropriate actions regarding access to Information Technology Resources and Systems.  

Referral Offices

Referral offices are determined by the individual’s affiliation with the University, and are responsible for assisting in the investigation of a complaint and taking appropriate actions as necessary.  A referral office may independently proceed with appropriate action in the event they become aware of a violation of the Policy on Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources and Systems. 

University Affiliation Referral Office
Student Student Conduct and Community Responsibilities
Faculty Member Office of the Provost and Office of Human Resources
Administrative Professional Office of Human Resources
Civil Service Staff Office of Human Resources
University High School Students University High School Principal
Metcalf School Students Metcalf Principal
All Others Appropriate Use Coordinator


System Administrator and/or Network Security Officer

Technical support professionals are individuals that have responsibility for running, maintaining, or securing assigned resources.   These professionals are responsible for assisting in the investigation of a complaint.

IV. University Response

Upon a complaint or other knowledge of an alleged violation of the Policy on Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources and Systems, an Appropriate Use Coordinator will investigate and determine if a violation has occurred. This investigation may include assistance from appropriate technical staff and referral offices. If a violation has occurred, the Appropriate Use Coordinator will send an electronic message regarding the violation to the violator’s University Logon ID (ULID), since this is the official electronic address for all faculty, staff and students at Illinois State University.

The message will direct the violator to discontinue the inappropriate behavior, request that they reread the Policy on Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources and Systems and other applicable University Policies and Procedures, and offer the option of a meeting. A copy of the complaint and violation notice will be forwarded to the appropriate referral office.

In a situation where an individual has multiple violations, where violations are deemed to be serious, or where immediate action is required, the Appropriate Use Coordinator may proceed directly to immediate suspension of all or partial access to ISU Information Technology Resources and Systems.  A referral will also be made to the appropriate referral source for appropriate academic and/or personnel related action including potential discipline.  Examples of potential situations that warrant skipping the warning step include, but are not limited to, violations involving: threats or potential threats, potential criminal acts, outside authorities, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the University Diversity and Affirmative Action Policy, unethical communications, trademark violations, academic records, or medical records.

Last Review: April 2008

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