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3.1.24 Tax Forms (W-2's and W-4's)


Illinois State University will furnish employees with copies of Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement for the preceding year by January 31. The amounts must be reported on the employees' federal and state tax returns. All employees, active or terminated, must provide a change of address to the Office of Human Resources to ensure receipt of the W-2 forms.


A W-4 form should be completed upon initial employment, and within ten days of any change relating to income tax withholding. To ensure accurate reporting of W-2 income, a current W-4 withholding form must be on file for each employee. If no form is on file, the Payroll Office is required to withhold at the highest level of deduction using the designation of single with zero allowances.

Tax treaties may exempt some individuals present in the US on an immigration status from income tax. The Payroll Office can supply a list of current tax treaties. All individuals present in the US on an immigration status claiming tax treaty benefits must complete a new Form 8233, Form W-9 or Form W-4 by January 1. An appointment must be made with the Payroll Office to properly complete this paperwork and a W-4 for any treaty consideration. If the Payroll Office does not receive a new form, the withholding status will revert to the previous Form W-4 on file, if valid, or to single with zero allowances.  All other employees claiming exempt status must complete a new Form W-4 by February 15 of the new year.  If the Payroll Office does not receive a new form, the withholding status will automatically revert to single with zero allowances.

Reciprocal tax agreements are in effect between Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kentucky and Michigan. Form IL-W-5-NR can be filled out in the Payroll Office, 101 Hovey Hall, to claim exemption from withholding of Illinois income tax.

Illinois State University will submit to the IRS copies of certain Forms W-4, together with a copy of any written statement received from the employee in support of claims made for more than ten withholding allowances or claims for exemption from withholding. State of Illinois tax regulations do not allow an exemption from Illinois withholding.

Payroll Office employees cannot be considered tax consultants and may not give advice on tax matters. They can assist in determining the effect of increasing or decreasing the number of allowances but any information given can only be regarded as an estimate.

Policy Owner: Vice President for Finance and Planning

Contact: Payroll Office (309-438-7677)

Revised on: 06/2002

2023-07-12T10:51:23.662049681-07:00 2023