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3.1.47 Nursing Mothers in the Workplace

Upon an employee's request, departments shall provide a location within close proximity to the employee's work area, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public, which may be used by an employee to express breast milk for up to one year from the birth of the child.

An employee shall be provided reasonable break time each day needed for nursing or to express breast milk. Time taken to express milk for an infant may run concurrently, to the employee's normal break time. If different break times are needed, this must be provided unless it creates an undue hardship. 

Employees should contact their immediate supervisor to inform him or her of the need for a location and break time for nursing or expressing breast milk.  Supervisors must contact Human Resources before denying an employee break time. 

Policy Owner:  Human Resources

Contact:  Human Resources (309-438-8311)

Revised:  11/2019

2023-07-12T10:51:02.377210356-07:00 2023