Hearings shall be conducted according to the following procedures:
a. Proceedings shall be conducted in good faith;
b. Formal hearings shall be closed unless both parties consent to an open meeting or an open meeting is required by law;
c. The chairperson of the Faculty Hearing Panel (FHP), Appeals Hearing Panel (AHP) or the Faculty Caucus, or a designee shall, at the outset of the hearing, state the issues in the proceedings to all involved parties;
d. Subject to applicable law, the privacy of confidential records and proceedings in the hearing process shall be respected;
e. Members serving on hearing and appeals panels should scrupulously avoid any conflict of interest and must notify the Chairperson of the AFEGC if any such conflict exists or arises;
f. Except as modified below, the principal parties should be accorded the right:
g. The proceedings will be audio-recorded. At the request of either party, a copy of the audio recording(s) of any formal hearing(s) shall be made available to them.
h. The standard of proof for all hearings and deliberations will be a preponderance of the evidence standard.
In cases of complaints where a conciliation effort is not deemed appropriate by the complainant, the AFEGC Chairperson, or an Ombudsperson, or where such an effort has been unable to resolve the matter, the AFEGC Chairperson shall appoint, from the members of the AFEGC, a three (3) member Faculty Hearing Panel (FHP) for each case that necessitates a hearing. The appointment shall normally take place within five (5) business days of a decision that a filed complaint falls within the jurisdiction of the committee. In cases that may involve college-level issues or relationships, the AFEGC Chairperson shall make every effort to avoid seating members from the complainant's and respondent's own college(s), but may do so if other AFEGC members are not available.
In cases where the complainant or respondent is a non-tenure-track faculty member or faculty associate, the AFEGC Chairperson shall appoint two (2) tenured faculty members of the AFEGC to the FHP and one (1) non-tenure-track or faculty associate member from the appropriate pool of NTT or faculty associate members of AFEGC.
Within ten (10) business days of the constitution of the FHP and the election of its chairperson, the chairperson of the FHP shall set a date for the hearing, unless this timeline is extended by mutual agreement of the AFEGC chairperson and FHP chairperson. Within these ten (10) days, the Chairperson of the AFEGC will schedule a meeting of the FHP membership and will provide training to review procedures, standards and confidentiality with the FHP membership.
The hearing shall be conducted according to the following procedures:
Written reports
The written report shall include:
For written reports containing the FHP's final recommendation:
In academic freedom violation cases and grievance cases, the conclusion of the report and recommendation shall follow the format for each separate charge in the complaint:
“The AFEGC finds that the evidence presented in the complaint of _______has (substantiated) (not substantiated) the charge against _________. The AFEGC recommends to the Provost that the following action be taken:________________.”
In ethics violation cases, the conclusion of the report and recommendation shall follow the format for each separate charge in the complaint:
“The AFEGC finds that the evidence presented in the complaint of ___________which dealt with the section of the Code of Ethics specified below has (substantiated) (not substantiated) the charge against ____________________. The AFEGC recommends to the Provost that the following action be taken: _____________________________."
Once the FHP has delivered its final written report either dismissing the complaint or reporting its decision and making recommendations, the Chairperson of the AFEGC shall review that report, flag any areas of concern, and ask the FHP to clarify it in writing as necessary. The Chairperson of the AFEGC shall then communicate the FHP’s recommendation to the complainant and the respondent and inform them of their right to appeal. Within five (5) business days after receiving the FHP recommendation, the complainant or respondent may appeal the recommendation of the Faculty Hearing Panel. The appellant's written request will explain the basis for the request.
If, after a hearing, the AFEGC receives a request for an appeal hearing, or if a referral from a College Faculty Status Committee (CFSC) or the Faculty Review Committee (FRC) is deemed to warrant a hearing by an AHP, then the AFEGC Chairperson shall constitute an Appeal Hearing Panel (AHP) with members who did not serve on any FHP in the case. The AHP shall consist of five (5) members.
In the case that both appellant and the respondent to the appellant are tenured or probationary faculty members and/or administrators, the five members shall be drawn from the tenured faculty on the AFEGC. In the case that an appellant or respondent to the appellant is a non-tenure track member, the AHP shall consist of three (3) tenured faculty members and two (2) non-tenure-track members drawn from the appropriate non-tenure-track faculty pool. In the case that an appellant or respondent is a faculty associate, the AHP shall consist of three (3) tenured faculty members, and two (2) faculty associates.
The Chairperson of the AHP shall schedule the appeal hearing within ten (10) days after the AHP formation. This timeline may be extended by mutual agreement of the chairperson of the AHP and the chairperson of the AFEGC. Within these ten (10) days, the chairperson of the AFEGC will schedule a meeting of the AHP membership and will provide training to review procedures, standards and confidentiality with the AHP membership. The appeal hearing should take place so that the timeline indicated by the referring body may be honored; for a complaint/grievance, a timeline similar to that observed by the FHP of twenty (20) days or less from receipt of the appeal should be honored. The parties will be given written notice of the date, time, place, and purpose of the hearing. In constituting the AHP, the following procedures shall apply:
At the scheduled appeals hearing:
Written Reports
The written report shall include:
In academic freedom violation cases and grievances cases, the conclusion of the report and recommendation shall follow the format for each separate charge in the appeal complaint:
"The AFEGC finds that the evidence presented in the appeal complaint of _______has (substantiated) (not substantiated) the charge against _________. The AFEGC
recommends to the Provost that the following action be taken:________________."
In ethics violation cases, the conclusion of the report and recommendation shall follow the format for each separate charge in the appeal complaint:
"The AFEGC finds that the evidence presented in the appeal complaint of ___________which dealt with the section of the Code of Ethics specified below has (substantiated) (not substantiated) the charge against ______________. The AFEGC recommends to the Provost that the following action be taken: _____________."
The AHP shall issue its final report and recommendation by a majority vote within 10 days of the completion of the formal appeal hearing.
Once the AHP has delivered its final written report, the Chairperson of AFEGC shall review that report, flag any areas of concern, and ask the AHP to clarify it in writing as necessary. The Chairperson of the AFEGC shall then communicate the AHP's recommendation to the appellant and the respondent to the appellant and inform them of their right to appeal. Within five (5) business days after receiving the AHP recommendation, the appellant or respondent to the appellant may appeal the recommendation of the Appeals Hearing Panel. That appellant's written request will explain the basis for the appeal.
In the case of an appeal of the AHP final report and recommendations, the appeal will be submitted simultaneously to the AFEGC Chairperson and the Chairperson of the Academic Senate. The Chairperson of the Academic Senate shall distribute the report to the elected members of the Faculty Caucus Executive Committee. Members of the Executive Committee and of the Faculty Caucus from the parties' department(s) and those who have actual or apparent conflict of interest, such as those who have served on a DFSC/SFSC, CFSC, or FRC that has been involved with the complaint shall not be included in this distribution or in any deliberations.
If there is no appeal, or if in the case of an appeal, no faculty member of the Executive Committee requests that the report be considered by the joint faculty members of the Executive Committee, the AFEGC Chairperson will forward the report and recommendations to the Provost. Otherwise, the joint faculty members of the Executive Committee will decide whether to forward the report to the Provost or to send it to the Faculty Caucus. If the joint faculty members of the Executive Committee decide to forward the report to the Provost, they may opt to append their written comments regarding the final report and recommendations. These comments may not be in the form of a recommendation to accept or reject the AHP report and must be based entirely on observations regarding procedure and policy interpretation.
If the elected members of Faculty Caucus Executive Committee decide to forward the report to the Faculty Caucus, the Faculty Caucus will meet to discuss the appeal and will make a recommendation to the Provost on whether the AHP report should be accepted or rejected. This recommendation will be based entirely on whether the report adheres to the Code of Ethics, to the relevant policy at issue in any grievance, or to the principles of academic freedom cited in Article III, Section 1.A. of the Illinois State University Constitution. Ordinarily, the Faculty Caucus will not hold a formal hearing with the parties in attendance, but may vote to do so if circumstances warrant such a hearing. The recommendation to the Provost from the Faculty Caucus shall occur only after any such hearing.
Within 25 business days of the Senate Chairperson’s receiving the AHP written report, the Faculty Caucus shall forward its recommendation to the Provost. If a recommendation is not made within 25 academic business days and no request to extend the deadline is received by the AFEGC chairperson from the Senate chairperson, the written report will go directly to the Provost without recommendation.
After receiving the Final Report of the FHP and, when applicable, the written report of an Appeals Hearing Panel, the comment of the elected faculty members of the Executive Committee, and/or the recommendation of the Faculty Caucus, the Provost shall inform:
whether or not the report and recommendation have been accepted, modified, or rejected, and, if applicable, inform these parties of the nature of any redress. This notification shall be in writing, within 25 business days. It shall be sent at a minimum to the complainant, the respondent, and the chairperson of the AFEGC, who will distribute it as necessary, and, except in referral cases that have not been appealed, to the chairperson of the Academic Senate. If the recommendation of the FHP or AHP or Faculty Caucus has been modified or rejected, the notification must include a rationale supporting that decision. After any appeal to the President, the Provost shall also inform any individuals or bodies who might be empowered by the Provost or by University policy to consider or impose disciplinary actions regarding the final disposition of the case and the nature of any redress.
The complainant, the respondent, an appellant, or the respondent to an appellant may appeal a decision by the Provost to the President. The appeal shall take the form of a written statement to the President, filed within 5 business days of the Provost's decision, explaining the basis for the appeal. Unappealed decisions of the Provost, or decisions of the President in appealed cases, shall constitute final resolution of the complaint, and shall not be subject to any further appeal.
Policy Owner: Academic Senate
Contact: Office of the Provost (309-438-7018)
Previously Revised on: 12/2016
Revised: 4/2018